Tuesday, August 30, 2011

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Sue Neser at Neser Insurance: Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Neser Insurance: Neser Insurance on WNIS and WTAR

Neser Insurance: Neser Insurance on WNIS and WTAR

Key Hurricane Irene Resources from Randy Forbes

Friend -
This weekend, as Virginians are preparing for Hurricane Irene to make landfall, there are practical steps you can take before for the storm and afterwards to secure your home to ensure adequate safety.

The Virginia Evacuation Coordination Team for Operational Response, along with the Virginia Department of Transportation, has created preparedness videos on hurricane evacuations and emergency supplies that can be viewed on YouTube or at www.ReadyVirginia.gov. You can keep Dominion Power's number (866) DOM-HELP or (866) 366-4357 on hand to report outages or downed lines. For general information about the storm, you can dial 211. In addition, I have compiled a list of resources to help you this week before, during, and after the hurricane.

Be sure to print this article, and the following web resources, in the case you cannot access it due to a power outage.


Hurricane Safety Checklist. Review this Hurricane Safety Checklist from the American Red Cross to prepare for the dangers of a hurricane.

Compile an Emergency Kit.  Use this downloadable checklist to ensure you have necessary supplies on hand.

Evacuate or Stay Put. Listen to the local authorities via your local radio or television and follow their guidance. If you have not been asked to evacuate, determine whether your home or work is safe. You can follow these guidelines from Ready.gov

Subscribe to alert services. Many communities have developed systems that will send text messages or emails alerting you to local emergencies or bad weather. Check the community information page to find ways that you can be alerted for hurricane situations or sign up for local alerts:

Amelia County
Phone: 804-561-3914/ 804-561-3039
Emergency Website: http://www.ameliacova.com/department/view/24/
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://twitter.com/powhatanva

Brunswick County
Phone: 434-848-3107
Emergency Website: http://www.brunswickfireandrescue.org/hurricanes.html
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: https://www.brunswickalert.com/index.php?CCheck=1

Chesterfield County
Phone: 804-751-9022
Emergency Website: http://www.chesterfield.gov/EmergencyManagement.aspx?id=2586

City of Colonial Heights
Phone: 804-520-9300
Emergency Website: http://www.colonial-heights.com/EmergencyCommCenter.htm
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.colonial-heights.com/EmergencyCommCenterCodeRed.htm

Dinwiddie County
Phone: 804-469-5388
Emergency Website: http://www.dinwiddieva.us/Emergency%20Notification%20System/index.asp
Sign up emergency alerts: https://portal.blackboardconnectcty.com/welcome.aspx?eiid=1207B6088C3770A26B7E

City of Emporia
Phone: 434- 634-4500
Website: http://www.ci.emporia.va.us/dc.html

City of Franklin
Phone: 757- 562-8581 
Website: http://www.franklinva.com/index.php?option=com_contact&view=category&catid=40&Itemid=71 

Greensville County
Phone: 434-348-4205
Website: http://www.greensvillecountyva.gov/Public%20Safety/publicsafe.html

City of Hopewell
Phone: 804-541-2298
Emergency Website: http://www.hopewellva.gov/data/publish/codered.shtml
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=sUVLTJ7H04b6b%2bcahCtlcw%3d%3d

Isle of Wight County
Phone: 757-365-6308
Emergency Website: http://www.co.isle-of-wight.va.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=622&Itemid=84
Sign-up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.co.isle-of-wight.va.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=624&Itemid=84

Nottoway County
Phone: 434-645-9044
Emergency Website: http://www.nottoway.org/emergencies.shtml

City of Petersburg
Phone: 804-733-2300
Emergency Website: http://www.petersburg-va.org/index.asp

Powhatan County 
Phone: 804-598-9301
Emergency Website: http://www.powhatanva.com/emergency.htm
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.powhatanva.gov/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7BCB454DDC-CFE5-4963-95FB-83C07A4292AD%7D

Prince George County
Phone: 804-722-8614
Emergency Website: http://www.princegeorgeva.org/index.aspx?page=107 
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.princegeorgeva.org/Index.aspx?page=704

Southampton County 
Phone: 757-653-3015
Emergency Website: http://www.southamptoncounty.org/
Sign Up for Emergency Alerts: http://www.southamptoncounty.org/codered.asp

City of Suffolk
Phone: 757-514-4536
Emergency Website: http://www.suffolkva.us/em/ 

Sussex County
Phone: 434-246-1044
Emergency Website: http://sussexcounty.govoffice.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7B81880870-2ABE-413B-9909-6ECC6D90EA85%7D

Preparing for Power Outages. Dominion Power suggests updating your account with the phone number you plan to use when reporting your outage. This step will ensure immediate access of your account for faster reporting without having to speak to someone. Phone numbers can be updated on-line or by calling the special phone number update line - 1-800-222-0401.

Charge Cell Phones and Laptops. Make sure cell phones and laptops are fully charged so they can be used in the event of a power outage.

During the storm, if electricity is interrupted. Dominion Power offers these practical tips for dealing with power outages during the storm.
-Turn off major appliances such as heat pumps, water heaters and stoves. Unplug other appliances such as TVs, stereos, microwaves and computers. This will prevent damage to appliances and possible overloads to the company's system when power is restored.
-Post a list of contents on your freezer door to minimize the number of times you open it.
-Leave one lamp or light on so you will be able to recognize when power is restored.
-Frozen food can last up to three days. It is safe to eat if it still has ice crystals at the center.
-If using portable or camp-type stoves or lanterns for cooking and lighting, ensure that the area is adequately ventilated.

AFTER THE STORMCoping with power outages. This site from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights healthy steps you should take to ensure food, water, and home safety after an extended power outage. Tips on the site address everything from guidelines on what to do with food in your freezer or refrigerator, to water purification procedures, to carbon monoxide poisoning protection.

Get Up-to-the-Minute Updates on Twitter. Follow Dominion Power (@DomVaPower) and Southeastern Virginia’s Red Cross (@RedCrossSEVA) for regular updates and alerts after the storm.

Servicing your septic system. Once storm waters have receded, there are several things homeowners should consider regarding their septic systems. This site from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offers frequently asked questions and answers on servicing septic systems after flooding. The site also includes links to contact information if assistance is needed from local health departments.

Managing flooding and mold. This site from the Environmental Protection Agency is dedicated to providing information on cleaning up your home or office after a storm that has resulted in flooding, including addressing standing water and wet materials. The site offers basic information on addressing viruses, bacteria, and mold that can occur in the wake of a flood.

Removing fallen branches and trees. The CDC provides tips to help safeguard against injury as a result of removing fallen or partially fallen trees and tree branches, including information on properly using chainsaws in hazardous conditions.

Saving family treasures. These guidelines from The National Archives will walk you through preserving some of your family’s most treasured items that may have been damaged by flood waters. The guidelines range in topics from what do to with wet records, to salvaging family papers, to properly air-drying books, to caring for water damaged heirlooms.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Everybody, let's do this (and NBC - this one's for you!)...We should flood Facebook with this...."I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under GOD, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all". RE- POST IF YOU THINK GOD, OUR COUNTRY, OUR FLAG, AND OUR MILITARY DESERVE RESPECT!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Budget cut ideas

Salary of the US President .....................$400,000
Salary of retired US Presidents ...............$199,700
Salary of House/Senate .........................$174,​000
Salary of Speaker of the House ..............$223,500
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders .........$193,400
...Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN IRAQ and Afghanistan...$38,000
I think we found where the cuts should start! If you agree RE-POST


TRY YOUR NAME IN JAPANESE: A= ka, B=tu, C= mi, D= te, E= ku, F=lu, g= ji, H= ri, I= ki, J= zu, K= me, L= ta, M= rin, N= to, O= mo, P= no, Q= ke, R= shi, S= ari, T= chi, U= do, V= ru, W=mei, X= na, Y= fu, Z= zi.......then paste ur Japanese name below... :))

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Joining our local radio station-TImes will be announced later

From: Sue- We will be on WNIS and then also on the Comedy Station. We will run 20 spots one week on each station and then off a week- this will be the pattern for 6 months. We will do the ask the expert (I am not an expert just a professional) sometime in the middle of the 6 months so people will be a little more familier with our business and they will run a add'l 10 or 20 commericals that week announcing our show.  We will make about 10 different spots so they are not all the same. We are writing our own script and some spots will be 30 seconds long and others will be 60 seconds.We are very excited to work with WNIS and the Comedy station. Our business is growing leaps and bounds and we are Thankful for such wonderful customers and busineses that helped as get where we are today.....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Neser Insurance goes out to the people

ok we took a big step today and signed up for 6 months of radio adds. Eddie and I both will record commericals and we will present a script to the producer. We also will do a hour show where people call in with questions about their insurance. We are going to be the next Frasier Crane of Neser Insurance. 1st radio then televison look out little green Geicko Neser Insurance is coming. YEA