Sunday, December 16, 2012

Emilie Parker A child taken from us in Ct shootings

From announcement made by Emilie's Parker Dad:
The father then began to tearfully speak of his blonde-haired, blue-eyed daughter. ‘My daughter Emilie would be one of the first ones giving her love and support to all of the victims, because that’s the kind of person she is,’ he said, pausing a moment to take a steadying breath. ‘As the deep pain begins to settle in our hearts, we find comfort in the incredible person Emilie was and how many people she was able to touch in her short time on Earth.’ Mr Parker spoke of Emilie’s incredible artistic talent, and how she could often be found carrying crayons, markers, and paper to make colorful cards for those having a dark day.  ‘Emilie’s card-making was especially beautiful this last October as she placed a card into the casket of her grandfather, who also recently died because of a tragic accident.’ He continued: ‘Emilie’s laughter was infectious, and everyone who met her would agree that the world was a better place because she was in it.

I am truly amazed at the people of Connecticut and they way they are reacting to this tragedy. Emilie's father speaks with compassion and love. Two other woman who during  their interview spoke of solutions for protecting their children and all our children in the schools. (Have a police officer in the schools) And the young man who was interviewed clearly in pain stating that Adam was a nice quite young man. My heart is with all of them and my soul is shinning with the out pour of compassion and love being expressed. No words of hate are being spoken. No words of revenge. But words of what God would have wanted us to express. Angels, love and forgiveness .

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